Charms Rank 4

Charms Rank 4
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Charms Rank 3, 75 Power Points, level 7
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Rank 4:

Spell Verbal: I Command You to Obey and…

  • …Be Dominated and Controlled.        12 Power Point      1 Hour.
    • This spell causes the target character to obey all the caster’s commands. A character affected by a Dominate spell will otherwise behave normally, except that a dominated character will not harm the caster or cause the caster to be harmed unless the caster commands them to do so. A dominated character is not aware they are under the affects of this spell; if asked with a Speak the Truth spell they will not realize they have been dominated and would correctly answer “No”.
    • A dominated character can be commanded to perform tasks that require some thought – “Solve this puzzle” for example – but they cannot be ordered to do something they cannot normally do. You cannot order someone to use a Slay or Assassinate skill if they do not normally have the ability to do so or they have used that skill for the current Tag Cycle.
    • The caster can order a character to do something they would normally not do. The caster could order someone to kill their spouse or best friend for example. “Using all your skills, abilities and items to the best of your ability go and kill the Baron of the Dale when I leave this building,” is an acceptable command. The caster can give any number of commands to the dominated character. The caster can prompt the dominated character with false information or facts. The caster could, for example, tell the character “The undead outside are not dangerous or evil and will help you if you ask them.” The character would not run or start a fight with the undead when they met them, but would defend themselves if attacked. The dominated character can be told that their best friend is their most hated enemy. No amount of convincing on someone else’s part will change the character’s mind. However, the character will not make up reasons why their best friend is their most hated enemy, and would remember being best friends. The caster can prompt the dominated character with complicated memories to make the false facts more believable to others but the dominated character needs no convincing they simply believe what the caster tells them as the absolute fact.
    • Similarly the caster can tell the dominated character to forget facts and events – even to forget skills. However, once the spell ends all the lost memories will return normally.
    • After the Dominate spell wears off, the target will remember who cast the spell on them and what they did while dominated. All false facts and information will be remembered as false and the character’s own values and beliefs will be intact.

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